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New media has provided a great sense of mass communication for people all around the world; however, this does spark a major issue in today's society. That major issue is privacy and confidentiality. When a social media account is created, users are typically asked for private information regarding their personal biography, lifestyle and family and friends. In almost all of these new media, you are given the option of whether or not you want only your friends to see it, or you want the entire social media community to be able to see it. Over the years, many users are claiming that their privacy is not so "private" anymore considering that there are many loopholes for others to be able to learn about your private information. You can always use a friends account to view this person's private information and because of that, it defeats the purpose of a private account. Confidentiality is another issue considering that nothing is confidential. A private group on Facebook can easily be exposed based on a simple screenshot. New media is great and all; however, there are always people out there that is one step ahead of the creators in terms of breaking through privacies.


  1. Hi Kevin, With every new technology comes with drawbacks and in this case, privacy is a major one. I think that we need to be more aware of what we put online due to all the scandals that have been happening particularly, Facebook, which you mentioned.

  2. "With great power comes great responsibility" is a quote that comes to mind. These big companies with huge amounts of data have to be held to a higher standard than most companies


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