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Blog about Twitter

Twitter has created a place where users are able to express their opinions on all matters around the world. Whether it is a political related opinion, controversial topics or even personal statuses, it is a site for people to post all about that. They are able to voice their comment on certain issues to the society where everyone is able to see it.

Now for this New Media class, we operate on two couple different blogging platforms which are "Blackboard Discussions" and "Twitter". These two both allow us to blog; however, they manifest a different environment and atmosphere. Blackboard discussion is primarily for our class where everything we say and write are located on a specific page and only this class can view it. On Blackboard discussion, it provides a feeling as if you are writing on a word document with the number of choices you could have in terms of editing your text. In addition, once you submit a blog on Blackboard, you are no longer able to edit or touch up your writing as compared to Twitter. Twitter is a much more casual setting where you are able to write a couple of words and casually post it online. If you noticed that there is an error of some sort, you are always able to fix it up and republish it. Lastly, on Twitter, you are limited to only 280 characters as compared to Blackboard discussion.

In class-discussions, in my opinion, are typically the most effective and efficient way to talk about a specific topic within a group of individuals. It brings everybody close to one another where you are able to receive an immediate response as compared to delays ones that we would typically get online. When you here your classmates voice their opinion and you would like to add to it, you can immediately do so without hesitation.  This allows a discussion to carry on faster and allows individuals to voice their emotions and opinions much faster as compared to writing everything online. Twitter is similar in a sense that you can speak about whatever is on your mind and its much more direct since you have to focus on the limited characters as well.


  1. Hi Kevin, You made a great point about the formalities between these two platforms. I think Twitter is more informal than Blackboard because of the word limit put into place. Therefore, brevity is an issue and the only way to aid that is by abbreviations.


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