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Creativity and New Media

At the beginning of this current fall semester, I was apart of VSA (Vietnamese Student Association) where I am on the executive board as the Vice President of Marketing. As the VP of Marketing, I am constantly on the hunt for new, innovative and most importantly creative ideas. My goal is to be able to spread the word of this club out as much as possible and during this process, there are multiple components to it.

One of the major components of this club was their website. Every year, the website gets revamped and this year, it was my task to tackle that and redesign the website to make it as appealing as possible. The platform that the website is located on is "Squarespace" where it does not require any difficult coding skills, but instead creativity and ingenuity. When creating and designing the entire website, it is simply applying templates or making your own and selecting your own preferred pictures. Now building the website was not all fun and games, but throughout the process, I was able to interview each executive board to establish their biography and it was a great experience not just being able to build my biography, but others as well. VSA's three core value are culture, family and community which was the theme that I was attempting to build around. The designs and photos that I used as backdrops were each selected for a specific reason which was to be able to demonstrate our clubs core values.

After a couple days of designing, I was able to establish the revamped website for my club and able to attract new members who were unfamiliar with our club and wanted to learn more.



  1. Hi Kevin, I heard of VSA and was amazed to find that you were the one behind designing the website. Square Space and like companies allow people with little to no coding backgrounds to be able to create interactive and engaging websites. Best of luck to your club!


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